Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

Life is...

Hidup itu indah
jika kita menggapnya sebuah keindahan

Hidup itu mudah
jika kita menjalaninya tanpa beban


Hidup itu berarti
Jika kita dapat memiliki semua orang yang kita sayang

tak selalu

tak selalu seseorang berada di titik tertinggi
ada saatnya ia akan jatuh ke titik terendah
di titik terendah itulah seseorang harus berusaha dengan kemampuannya
untuk mencapai titik tertingginya kembali
dan raih masa depan sesuai keinginan mu selama kamu punya waktu untuk berusaha meraihnya..

Lombok island...

Wait, in our state also has a many property and one of them is LOMBOK ISLAND. Do you know ?

according to wikipedia, Lombok Island is an island in the Lesser Sunda Islands or Nusa Tenggara are separated by the Lombok Strait from Bali in west side and the Alas Strait to the east of Sumbawa.

incredible ocean views. turned out not only other countries that have a spectacular property but, Indonesia also have it all.
Lombok island also has a beach there is the name is "Senggigi beach". Sengigigi beach is famous with the pearls of indonesia. The located in west side of lombok island.

come on ! come on ! come on !
we are going to there :)

Paris and eiffel tower

hello friend :)

now, i want to tell or to give inform about PARIS', maybe some of you know this city and especially your think get thinking with "eiffel tower".
Paris so famous with eiffel tower as a beautiful property in there. So, in this entry i will tell that.

According to wikipedia, Paris is the capital of France. Located on the river Seine, in northern France, in the heart region of Île-de-France.

Like that the locate of PARIS

Paris also earned the nickname with the city of fashion world. Now, i will discuss about a world treasure that attracted the attention of world community in this city that is eiffel tower :))

according to wikipedia, eiffel tower is an iron tower built on the Champ de Mars on the banks of the River Seine in Paris.

So, come on friend!
visit Paris one day and you will be dazzled by the eiffel tower :)

Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

aku bukan..

bukan bagaimana aku takut akan sia-sia
tapi bukan berati aku sepenuhnya tidak takut sama sekali
dengan sia-sia
aku hanya takut, aku tak punya waktu
waktu untuk menafsirkan kenyataan
mengubah takdir
dan mewujudkan masa depan
sesuai keinginan